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DL - AmazonGreat fit, so grateful for a replacement under $5! Took me a while to figure out how to remove the plug at the end (had to tap it off with a screwdriver and hammer, in case that helps anyone else). But then the old, broken sweep slid out and this one slid right in. Easy to trim to size with regular scissors. Maybe consider laying it flat under some weight for a day before installing - the curve from being coiled up made it harder to slide into the slot.
SG - AmazonThis product was recommended to me by a friend who discovered it and said it was the best product for cleaning shower glass. After putting the product in the glass there is no need to scrub. Put it on in a circular motion, spray it off the glass door. It is amazing. And lasts quite a while. Spots gone.
Rich - AmazonResealed a frame for shower doors. Although it takes a few days to completely cure, it is immediately waterproof water exposure doesn't degrade it at all. I have also used it to seal the leaking seams in stock tanks and have never had a failure. Far superior to all other products I have used.
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