CRL Black Heavy-Duty Automotive Riveter - 79034

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SKU: 79034
Regular price $165.50

Product Overview

This CRL Heavy-Duty Automotive Riveter allows riveting in areas where other tools won't reach. Exerts tremendous pulling power for large rivets. Shock resistant curved handles. Equipped with two nosepieces conveniently stored on the handle and one mounted in the nose-piece. Nosepieces set 5/32" and 1/8" and 3/32" (4 and 3.2 and 2.4 mm) rivets, plus there's a special nosepiece for inserting door handle rivets for the automotive industry.

  • Tremendous Power for Large Rivets
  • Extra Heavy-Duty Tool Used in Auto Glass Shops
  • Equipped with Three Nosepieces