CRL Black Tremco Proglaze SSG Structural Glazing Silicone Sealant - 954802

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SKU: 954802
Regular price $31.50

Product Overview

CRL Tremco® Proglaze® SSG is a one-part, high modulus, neutral cure silicone sealant ideal for a wide variety of glazing applications. Proglaze® SSG provides high performance capabilities, as well as an exceptionally fast cure.

Basic Uses
Proglaze® SSG is designed to meet the stringent performance needs for both structural and protective glazing. Whether it is a unitized curtainwall manufactured in plant or a field glazed project, Proglaze® SSG offers fast thorough curing and exceptional tensile strength to meet the most stringent building codes.

Comparable Sealants
Dow Corning®: 795, 995. GE®: UltraGlaze®. Pecora: 895

All structural glazing applications must be reviewed and approved by Tremco® Technical Service prior to the application of Proglaze® SSG. Do not apply to damp or contaminated surfaces. Use with adequate ventilation. Check cartridge label and Specification Data Sheet for additional limitations.

Technical Data
Conforms to ASTM C920 Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use NT, M, G, A and O; CAN/CGSB-19. 13-M87; U.S. Federal Specification TT-S 00001543A (COM-NBS) Class A, and U.S. Federal Specification TT-S-00230C (COM-NBS) Class A.

Product Warning: All structural glazing applications must be reviewed and approved by Tremco® Technical Service prior to the application of Proglaze® SG . Do not apply to damp or contaminated surfaces. Check cartridge label and Specification Data Sheet for additional limitations.

  • High Modulus Sealant for Two or Four Sided Structural Glazing Applications
  • Impact/Hurricane Tested Including Miami/Dade Protocol