CRL Gray Plastic Screen Wicket - 828M

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SKU: 828M
Regular price $10.98

Product Overview

CRL Plastic Wickets are 10-1/8" (257 mm) wide x 6-1/8" (155 mm) high to allow easy access to casement or awning window operators. The finish of the Wicket closely matches the finish of CRL Screen Frame. You install your own screen wire into the Wicket to match the rest of the window screen. The Wicket has a snap-type latch for secure closure, and can be installed along any 10" (254 mm) minimum width section of the screen frame.

NOTE: If you are using aluminum or fiberglass screen wire in the Wicket, we recommend our Cat. No. 5C175 Serrated Retainer Spline.

  • Plastic Wickets in Finishes Available to Match Screen Frame