CRL Gray Metal Sash Putty - Quart - 528QT

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SKU: 528QT
Regular price $24.65

Product Overview

This putty is specifically formulated for glazing in steel, aluminum, or galvanized window sashes. It applies smoothly without the need for priming and its gray color complements the metal finish.

For optimal results, it's crucial to prepare the surfaces properly. They should be clean, dry, and free of frost. When re-glazing, it's recommended to remove all old putty and bedding. If necessary, warm and soften the glazing by rolling it in your hands. Smooth the glazing to an angle that sheets water. The typical drying time before painting is four to six weeks, depending on temperature and humidity. Remember, the putty must be painted after it has skinned over and attained a firm set. For the best outcome, use a high-quality oil-based paint.

Technical Data: Meets the requirements of Federal Specification TT-G-410E; ASTM C 669-75.

Product Warning: Do not thin putty. At no time should any solvents or any type of oils be added. In addition, the putty cannot be tinted or colored by adding color pigments.